Friday, November 14, 2008

Oh, It's Almost Winter Again....

Great. This is my least favorite time of year. Wisconsin is in a state of ever changing weather, and today is a perfect example of the crummy part of it. All the beautiful leaves are all gone and a wonderful combination of sleet and freezing cold has taken over. Already this year, 139 accidents have happened and we haven't received one inch of snow yet. Almost all drivers in Wisconsin have forgotten how to drive slow and take it easy as the roads change from hot tar to slick ice. This is just the start of a dangerous winter. On the other hand, deer hunting starts very soon and its also almost to the end of the semester. My grades are good, but my attitude towards school is changing slowly. This is the time of year when I lose a piece of my motivation. I just need to keep trucking along while ignoring the fact that its blistering cold and I have five weeks of school left. I wish I had a magic wand to wave and turn winter back in to summer, and motivation back into drive. Time for Christmas break!

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