Sunday, November 2, 2008

Vote To Change America For The Good!

With the upcoming election this week, I have a couple of mixed feelings that come along with it. I will be voting this week along with millions of others, but there is a void of confidence in my choice of president. I believe that both presidents have a few great standpoints, but I know that not every issue they touch on will be as well of a success as they promise. Every president that has ever took office has never made every single American happy. Commercials say "the choice is yours!", but is it? We only have so many choices. Democrat or Republican? I believe an American should choose the president that best suites the needs for the common people. This American is the middle class, hard working, parent. I will not preach as to what president to vote for, but I will tell you that your choice is changing history. Choose the best president based on their past history, knowledge and future goals and promises, rather than popularity among the people of the United States of America.

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