Thursday, September 25, 2008

A World of Many Leaves

A world of many leaves. Some are wide, that tend to glide in the summer nights fall. These leaves come and go, some tend to flow, but others tend not to fall to the snow. When the trees are bare and the weather is fare, the leaves are done with their turning. Fall has come, summer has gone... and the leaves continue whirling.

This is my very first attempt to write a poem about a season. I thought this would be totally appropriate with fall rushing in, and Oktoberfest this weekend. I am so grateful that I live in such a beautiful state, not everyone is blessed with four seasons and a wonderful landscape such as ours. Each year as I get older, I am more and more appreciative of our rolling bluffs, indigenous animals and widespread forests. I have never been so grateful in my whole life. Thank goodness for Wisconsin.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Power of Perserverance

Today I am a student with drive, I look forward to school. I have caught a new fever, and that fever is a powerful offspring of failure. This very same month just two years ago, was a very challenging time in my life. The fear of failure constantly plagued my mind, almost to the point where anything better than failure, was a joke to me. I struggled with time management my first year of college, which led myself down a spiraling path of self destruction. When I couldn't find time to do anything other than homework, I would totally shut down and do nothing at all. I dwelled on my "lacking luster" relationship, and hurled myself into a state of isolation. A spot in my emotional and physical self being that couldn't break out of a shell.

I stayed dormit about this damaging mind, body and soul conflict with myself for too long. I have broken out of these chains and conquered some inner truth. I have learned to manage my time by writing everything down. I keep separate files for every class, and I also get things done right away. I have eliminated damaging relationships, and have been blessed with a blissful one. I have slowly gotten out of this rut. This all wouldn't have possible with out day to day challenging lessons. Concentration on truth, and what is truly good for me.

Friday, September 12, 2008

What is My Home Style?

I'm sitting here on my couch wondering, what do should I decorate next in my apartment? What kind of style am I going for? The answer is, I don't know. I have collected so many decorations over the past few years, and I think it is starting to get a little too busy in my living space. Contemporary "Pier One" interior design has always intrigued me, but on the other hand, I have always wanted a country home. Can I combine the two without it looking in cohesive? I think the first step to a home that fits your style is to get rid of clutter. Having a rummage sale, giving decor to friends and family, or donating objects to Goodwill or Salvation Army will help. Next step would be to decide on your favorite style of home. I like to look through magazines or online at Pick and choose what stands out to you in the pictures and surf the web or local stores for similar if not the same home decor. Watch the prices though! The more you save, the more you can be creative in your home.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Time To Reflect

Today is a day to reflect and think about Lee Allen Wells. I say this because my boyfriend's best friend since kindergarden (Lee), passed away exactly ten months ago. Today would have been his 21st birthday. Lee was tragically rear ended by a senior citizen on Thanksgiving day. I have watched my boyfriend Dan go through so many changes in the past few months. I look up to him because almost every time I think about what happened I cry. Dan on the other hand, holds his head up high, and just smiles and thinks of great memories they had together. I hope that I acquire the same strength that Dan has learned from life tragedies such as this. I also hope that family and friends don't cry when or if I pass away, but only smile and think of great memories they had with me.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Andgrogynous Man VS. Man's Man, What Went Wrong Here?

Amy Gross’s personal essay on “The Appeal of the Androgynous Man” was a very opinionated view on two different kinds of men. I thought her views were very stereotypical and irrational. Her opinions were based primarily on previous relationships and observations on a public and personal level. An androgynous man is an idealistic mate; a man that is every bit as vulnerable, creative, empathetic and imaginative as you are. She created this androgynous man in her own mind as a “perfect” man. Anyone can do this with their ideals and sum up the perfect name for a ridiculously perfect man. The truth is, nearly everyone is imperfect. A perfect anyone would mean we all lived in a perfect world. On the other hand, Amy Gross also created another man of total opposite of the androgynous man called a man’s man. According to her, this man is a pure obstrocity. He will go the extra mile to prove that woman should do nothing put bow down to him. Signs of affection or knowledge towards art, deep conversations, and quirkiness are nonexistent. For Amy to say that an “all man’s man” gives off an “overly insensitive, effeminate, uncouth” impression may be true in her world. Although for many others, some of these qualities work well. On the other hand, qualities from either side of an androgynous man and a man’s man might mix up the perfect concoction for the ideal mate. Therefore, who says any of these ideals make for a despicable man or a desirable knight and shining armor? Only you can make the call.